Monday, April 5, 2010


Some quick - movie fan chat love - to start off the week getting the blood pumping - a little horror - a little action - and little indie grandness - also - lot's coming here on the site this week - numerous updates
on THE MAKING OF A HORROR FILM blog - and - there's a secret on the site  - shhhhh - anyways - it's 3:45 am Monday here in LA - post Earthquake-Easter and heading to the gym before heading into the studio for some 1/3 day of scriptwriting on the horror movie and 1/3 day of storyboarding and 1/3 day on video blog editing - so - here we go - bring on the week Jack' - cause I'm kickin it in the ass! #extremeindie style baby!



I'm just sayin'



  1. Is it cheating to say I want to see all of them? Ok - ok... if I had to put them in order... I'd say - Splice, Exit Through the Gift Shop and then Resident Evil.

    However - can I just say that Milla looks SO badass in that Trailer. I think she is the whole reason I want to see the movie - because in all honesty - I didn't like the last one that much.

  2. Splice looks slightly excellent!

    "Science's latest miracle is a mistake."

    I love the catch phrase.
