Saturday, April 17, 2010


   As I forge along in the pre-production stage of the movie - a lot of you e-mailed me asking about the storyboard program I am using. Below is two videos covering my thoughts on the program I'm using -
it's pro's and con's.  I can say this - in the end - I'm enjoying the program itself very much - and - the process/opportunity it is providing me.

To visit the site of the program I purchased and am using - click here: Storyboard Artist.

If you have any specific questions - feel free to post them in the comment section below and I'll do my best to answer your questions. Keep in mind - over the next several weeks I'll be posting more videos on the storyboard process and the program.

For now - it's back to work for me - keeping pre-production rolling on this horror/sci-fi/physiological  thriller moving forward.

Enjoy the vids.

Here is Part 1:
Here is Part 2:

Hope you enjoy - and please - support us here making our #extremeindie film by becoming a member - it helps us very much. Thank you.

I'm jus' sayin'


  1. GREAT review. Separating the good and bad in their own videos is also helpful. It keeps the context about the aspect being talked about consistent so we are not going back and forth and a better understanding of each point is had.

    It will definately help you greatly in storyboarding your project. I can see the elements that bring what were previously just "ideas" to life and you can see their shortcomings, or advantages. Pretty cool.

    The cons do show some time consuming, and some pain, but these things seem to come with the territory. will have an excellent storyboard when you are done, even if it takes a little longer than it should.


  2. much more helpful than me trying to read your mind during the setup for the shot,,,,,

  3. Enjoyed watching the video on your new storyboard program. Not being in films but in love with films, and a visual artist myself, I can really appreciate the program. And I have always understood the importance of a storyboard for all involved in the film. Now I assume as you are filming the actual movie, you can still see some changes or take an opportunity of a newly visualized shot and take advantage of it. Its like having the technical ability to create a painting, but also realizing technical does not overpower the inner visuals and workings of a painting. I think it would be somewhat similar with your storyboard, its a great help for all involved in the filming, but not the end all of the total creation.

  4. Completely agree SHIRL' - it's something I preach all the time to Indie screenwriters who spend so much time putting in so much detail in a script - many young screenwriters labor so much on putting in camera angles etc and I tell them - get that out of there - because once your on set and actually seeing whats coming through the camera lens - it's very different - same with the storyboard IMO - once on set - everyone has to be open to the fact that it all can change - nothing is concrete - not the dialog - not the story - not the placement - etc. IMO it has stay malleable - or - one spends all their time trying to force something that's not working - BUT - what a storyboard does do is give a grand overall "idea" of what we're shooting for - trying to capture - and using all the tools one can to bridge that gap of what is trying to be achieved between so many people - like DP and the actors and the crew - is essential I feel. At the end of the storyboard process - it should give a grand starting point for the DP and I to sit and have a concrete starting point of a meaningful dialog of what we need to attempt to get the shot - even as far as how to build the set to allow lighting and camera placement etc. Even the actors will get a sense of what they are going to be attempting. At the end of the last film - one realization was getting across what is needed - via just dialog - is helped tremendously by visual aids. in the end - you are spot on - even down to the editing - it - the movie itself - even how it is packaged via PR - is a constant changing form of art.

  5. Sounds like an exciting process and can't wait to see the evolving process continue, as well as the finished product. You know, just knowing a little bit more about movie production, it has affected my outlook on every movie or tv show I see. I was forced to watch a "little bit" of New Moon (I know, I know, horrible!!!) but I did notice that many scenes from the original Twilight movie was used to fatten the second movie. Just think, you got to see the same horrible scenes for the price of two tickets! And I now notice how many expensive sets, expensive number of actors, expensive big name actors, and expensive and state of the art special effects are in each movie I see. This is certainly part of the overall movie, but still, the Story and the Emotional impact of what you are watching is the great factor. I am shocked at the number of bad bad movies out there, and I realize personal likes and dislikes are behind what I deem good and bad, but still there are many really bad ones. BUT even the bad ones were work to create. That is the scary part, all that work and still a bad smell. And my tastes change too as time goes on. We are all getting jaded with the abundance of viewing available. But I still love movies. Its story telling and that is an eternal part of humans, their love of hearing stories.

  6. Well, just watched no. 2 on the program and it is informative for buyers but also very interesting to non film makers. Considering all the shots that have to be set up, the mind boggles at the time and effort. Great enthusiam and determination must be had to keep the vitality and creativity of the storyboard going during this lengthly process! Keep up the good work and the sharing of your thoughts.
