Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Well Sunshine at last!  Great to see the sun again.  I know its supposed to rain tonight but at least we have a good day!  So back to the fantasy world of tv and movies.  24.....Jack has gone over the edge and doesn't plan to return.  Or that is what he says.  Is this season the very last or is there one more season before the series ends?  It was an exciting show last night and for a minute I thought Iron Man had dropped in to help him but turned out to be Jack with an Iron Mask.  I would venture to say the last two shows has seen more killings than I can remember.
And what was Jack thinking to give the important data to the young reporter?  Surely he knew she would be caught and the info confiscated.  Of course I figured that was the end for the exposure of the cover up but then Jack got new material by planting the recorder on the old President.  Good thing!!  Of course that may not save Jack's bacon either.  Can't wait to see what the surprise ending will be.  Who is going to bite the dust?  Someone said the series was ending so they could go to the big screen.  Hmmmm.....think it might not be as effective but who knows!!  Sometimes that works and sometimes not.  Look at the X files.  And tonight....

LOST!  Can't wait to see what is going to happen tonight!  Who, what, and why will be eagerly awaited.  Who will live, who is who, who is still alive or dead, and who ends up with the pretty girl!!!  I love the bad boy but from last week's episode, I fear it will be the holy doc who will get the girl.  I like Jack but sometimes his stoic manner gets on my nerves.  But whatever, love will prevail regardless of common sense.  I hated to see who died last week, some of my favorite people, Savid, Jin Soo and Sun Hwa.  But who do I not like as characters on this show.  Looking forward to the show.

Now what is going on in our world?  I had heard that Dexter had cancer but was surviving and being treated.  Now I read that Spartacus has cancer and is being treated.  These are young people!!  Very scary.  Hope that both of these actors recover soon.

Until tomorrow...


1 comment:

  1. For some reason I think with the fact that 24 is based on ation and fast moving plot - the movie will be a challenge - with the series - the break from week to week - allows for plot suspension breaks - but with one long story - it's either going to be one action packed movie - or - a complete disaster. I do know - I'll be in the theater to see for myself.

    So - LOST revealed A LOT last night - an't wait to see what you made of the episode!
