Tuesday, May 8, 2012

CRAWL Movie Update!

Hey there, Nikki here!

Check out some of our latest videos and get up to date on the progress of CRAWL - including hearing about the results of our very first audience feedback screening!

Here's just a few quotes from the questionnaires the audience filled out after viewing the film:

"One of the most intense movie's I've ever seen!"
"I was scared 3 frames into the film until the very last second."
"So suspenseful I kept telling myself 'Please remember to breathe.'"
"Extremely claustrophobic!"

What film's would you compare this to?
"The Alien Trilogy"
"I wouldn't know what to compare this to, because I've never seen a film like this."
"Very Unique."

Check out the video below:

And here are some videos from when Oklahoma Ward and I were in the sound studio having the rough sound mix done on CRAWL:

Thanks for following the progress of CRAWL and for all your support! If you want to get the latest updates, don't forget to join our MAILING LIST, and you can also follow us on FACEBOOK, TWITTER and YOUTUBE.

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